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Tecla González Hortigüela
Manuel Canga Sosa


It could be said that Melancholia (2011) is the most romantic film by Danish filmmaker Lars von Trier, not only because of the great lyrical power of its images, its beauty, darkness and fatalism, but also, and especially, because it is presented as a postmodern paraphrase of the old myth of Tristan and Iseult, whose operatic version was premiered by Richard Wagner in 1865. Ever since, the great musical composition of the German composer has influenced different generations of artists and intellectuals, such as the aforementioned filmmaker. This paper is focused on the analysis of a quite interesting film that has incorporated fragments of other legendary stories to stage the experience of a doomed to death enjoyment, in the context of an astronomical phantasy partially inspired by the Wagnerian characters´ incidents. The textual analysis that we propose will be based on the theoretical principles of psychoanalysis and will aim to demonstrate that the planet Melancholia represents much more than a simple star with an unpredictable orbit. In fact, this paper has been written to prove that the planet has been staged to center the desire of the female main character, like a gloomy lover whose passion will lead her to death.


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González Hortigüela, T., & Canga Sosa, M. . (2023). THE PASSION OF TWO SISTERS DOOMED TO DEATH: FROM TRISTAN AND ISEULT TO MELANCHOLIA (LARS VON TRIER, 2011). Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (42), 311–343.


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