The (De)construction of Gender in Political Fiction: The Borgen Case

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Marina Borràs Isnardo


This investigation focuses, from a gender perspective, on the representation of the female politicians on fiction series, specifically in Borgen (2010-2013). In order to analyze it, a review of the gender stereotypes that habitually characterise female politicians in fiction is carried out through a qualitative methodology. This study also check if the Borgen series keep or destroy these stereotypes. The results of the research demonstrate that Borgen presents a transgression of gender in four different areas: conciliation of the public-private life, personality features, thematic competence and leadership. Therefore the thesis suggests a roadmap for the representation of women in the media, as well as a realization of a political communication from a gender perspective.


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How to Cite
Borràs Isnardo, M. (2021). The (De)construction of Gender in Political Fiction: The Borgen Case. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (38), 369–387.
Author Biography

Marina Borràs Isnardo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Periodista especializada en comunicación política. Actualmente trabajando como redactora y community manager de la empresa Educar es Todo.


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