Personal deixis in Spanish-Italian simultaneous interpretation


Sara Bani


Personal deixis encodes the role of the participants in a communicative event and it is relevant to the rhetorical construction of discourse. In simultaneous interpretation, personal deixis may undergo significant changes: some references are omitted, while others are added or modified. The study examines how first person singular and plural deixis is interpreted from Spanish into Italian. The analysis is based on a corpus of spoken texts which were pronounced by Latin American speakers during a journalism festival organized by the magazine Internazionale. All texts were simultaneously interpreted from Spanish into Italian by freelance professional interpreters. The aim of this study is to identify trends in the simultaneous interpretation of personal deixis from Spanish into Italian.


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Com citar
Bani, S. (2018). Personal deixis in Spanish-Italian simultaneous interpretation. MonTI. Monografies De Traducció I d’interpretació, 323–338.
Biografia de l'autor/a

Sara Bani, Universidad de Catania

Sara Bani received her PhD in Translation Science from the University of Bologna in 2007. She is currently a researcher in Spanish language and literature (RTD, L-LIN/07) at the University of Catania. Her main research interests include journalistic discourse and translation, lexicography, linguistic mediation and interpretation.


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