The future of interculturality in Primary Education according to the LOMLOE: analysis from the teaching of SFL

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Yeray González Plasencia


This work constitutes a study of the treatment of intercultural competence in the new Primary Education basic curriculum, which will be implemented in the 2022-2023 academic year. To do this, the three constructs that organise the basic curriculum are addressed: the pedagogical framework, the output profile and the areas. Regarding the output profile, operational descriptors are studied in depth; with regard to the areas, specific competences and the assessment criteria are taken into account. The five categories that constitute the analysis emerge from the characteristics attributed to intercultural competence in the teaching of foreign languages, that is, the cognitive, affective, behavioral, critical and identity components. The paper concludes by identifying strengths and weaknesses of the treatment of interculturality in the educational proposal, and actions are suggested for the second specification of the basic curriculum. Four needs stand out: to explicitly work on symbolic competence and on the ability to negotiate cultural meanings; to specify how the students will deal with otherness; to pay attention to the configuration of the identity of the students; and, finally, to strengthen teacher training in the field of interculturality.


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González Plasencia, Y. (2022). The future of interculturality in Primary Education according to the LOMLOE: analysis from the teaching of SFL. Culture, Language and Representation, 28, 103–120.


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