Historical Approach to Mexican Feminist Psychology, a Pending Discussion

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Eva Paola Arenas Loera
Mayra Georgina Aguirre Ortiz


The lack of discussion about a feminist epistemology within the Mexican psychology is examined. It is argued that female Mexicans psychologists were very few, mainly in the first half of the XX century. The ones that occupied certain positions do not necessarily achieve to appreciate their inequalities. Consequently, they attached themselves to patriarchal practices that enhanced the reproduction of essentialists theories and standardized methodological approaches. Also, psychoanalysis was adopted as unique possible theory, keeping away a feminist epistemology from the reflection. It´s concluded that within Mexican psychology, in contrast to the situated knowledge approach, any discussion that question the hegemony of the validated practices is excluded; and that later analysis attempts, in contrast to the feminist epistemology proposal, are not enough to place the knowledge from the subject perspective. It is recognized that gender analysis must be discussed taking aspects like a ethnic group, social class, age, and historical moment.


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How to Cite
Arenas Loera, E. P., & Aguirre Ortiz, M. G. (2021). Historical Approach to Mexican Feminist Psychology, a Pending Discussion. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (39), 255–275. https://doi.org/10.6035/asparkia.5475