The French Travellers in Russia (1766-1870). Perceptions and Gaces at the Tzars’ Country

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Verónica Gijón Jimenez


With the advent of 18th century, France and Russian improved their relationships, the enlightened ideas permeated in Russian aristocracy, and the number of French citizens who travelled to Russia increased significantly. In the 18th century, women began to fight for their rights, and during the next century, they were conquering spaces that had been traditionally masculine. The trip was one of the spheres where the presence of women increased. The French travellers also visited the tsars’ country, and many of then left valuables testimonies to know the past of this nation. This article aims is to analyse the travellers’ perception of Russian art and culture. We will also focus on the role played by these women in Russia that, in many cases was closely linked to political, social, and cultural changes that were taking place in the epoque.


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Gijón Jimenez, V. (2021). The French Travellers in Russia (1766-1870). Perceptions and Gaces at the Tzars’ Country. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (39), 125–147.
Author Biography

Verónica Gijón Jimenez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Profesora Contratada Interina. Departamento de Historia del Arte.


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