Feminist Criminology. A Bibliographic Review

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Julia Méndez Hernández


The aim of this article is to provide a bibliographical review of feminist criminology. To do so, we will first refer to the background and patriarchal origin of criminology, then we will trace an itinerary of the origin and development of this branch and, subsequently, expose the areas with more weight within it. The scarce presence or even the lack of knowledge of feminist criminology in academia or among criminology professionals in general is something that needs to be corrected if we want to move towards a non-androcentric criminology. For this reason, the aim of this article is to offer a compilation of the publications that have marked the evolution of feminist criminology.


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Méndez Hernández, J. (2021). Feminist Criminology. A Bibliographic Review. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (39), 233–253. https://doi.org/10.6035/asparkia.4584


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