From private to public: Study of gender relations in the fang patriarchal system of Equatorial Guinea

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Pedro Bayeme Bituga Nchama


This article aims to carry out an analysis of gender relations in the patriarchal fang system, which are marked by the differentiation of private (for women) and public (for men) spaces. For this analysis, a descriptive methodology has been used, which has allowed us, through the bibliographic review, to argue about the question that is addressed here. One of the main results of this research is to have revealed that the Fang woman has been confined in the private space or the house-kitchen, where she served to give birth to children and dedicate herself to taking care of the home. The ideas of emancipation of women that the feminist ideology proclaims have caused women in Equatoguinean society to de-patriarchalize the androcentric culture that has been undervaluing them. Therefore, it is important to stabilize the achievements obtained so far.


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How to Cite
Nchama, P. B. B. (2021). From private to public: Study of gender relations in the fang patriarchal system of Equatorial Guinea. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (38), 217–233.


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