Measurement Pattern

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Mercè Galán Huertas
Rosa Moreno Zahínos


The purpose of this article has two aspects: First, from an object such as a seamstress tape, we have explored how it becomes, in the advertising media, a device of repression. proposing a unique reading of the female body normalizing. Through the thinking of different philosophers, we will deconstruct this vision of unique perspective, to show the other bodily realities that remained hidden, and we question the naturalness of them. The second aspect is the narrative of a photographic work that we started in 2018, entitled Measurement pattern, in which we play performatively with the tape metric and thirty four penises, in order to make visible an organ that keeps the patriarchy hidden in most of the publicity and the media, except pornography, where a penis of great size is displayed normalized.


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How to Cite
Galán Huertas, M., & Moreno Zahínos, R. (2020). Measurement Pattern. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (36), 15–34. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mercè Galán Huertas

Doctora en BBAA por la UPV.

Rosa Moreno Zahínos



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