Translation variants in the Bible of Montserrat and the interconfessional Catalan Bible: Some cases of the New Testament

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Jordi Redondo


The so-called Montserrat Bible served as the main modern Catalan translation of the sacred texts of the Christian tradition till the publication of the Interconfessional Catalan Bible, which is considered the canonical version by the Church. Some examples taken from the New Testament will be used to analyse which options were chosen by the translators of both works for a non-unambiguous transmission. In spite of the difficulty for finding a pattern of textual selection, we will be able to define the translators’ theoretical approach to the problems arising from the confrontation of the solutions of standard Greek either with those of a Semitic diction or with those of a Koine diction.


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How to Cite
Redondo, J. (2023). Translation variants in the Bible of Montserrat and the interconfessional Catalan Bible: Some cases of the New Testament. MonTI. Monographs in Translation and Interpreting, (15), 224–239.
Author Biography

Jordi Redondo, Universitat de València

Jordi Redondo is a Professor of Greek Philology at the University of Valencia. As a historian of the language, he has dealt with New Testament Greek and Koine in Hellenistic poetry —Callimachus, Apollonius Rhodius, Aratus— as well as in Galen,Josephus and Plutarch. He is also the author of the volume Traducció i recepció de la cultura clàssica. Sobre els fonaments clàssics de la teoria i la praxi traductològiques, University of Valencia 2019,


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