Decisiones jurídicas y conflictos sociales. Perspectiva desde la teoría comunicacional del derecho

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Adolfo Sánchez Hidalgo


The present study offers a general overview about the incidence of the social context in the Communicational Theory of Law and, in particular, in the legal decisión-making. This work begins with an introduction about the polemic relation between Legal Sociology and Legal Theory, wich is focused since the postulates of the Communicational Tehory of Law. Down below, it will be analysed the main types of legal decisión-making (constitutional, legilstive and judicial decision), as weel as the influence of the factual or sociological reality about these decisions. Finally, it will be pointed some conclusions about the utility and accuracy of this Communicational Theory


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Sánchez Hidalgo, A. (2023). Decisiones jurídicas y conflictos sociales. Perspectiva desde la teoría comunicacional del derecho. Millars. Espai I Història, 1(54), 203–229.


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