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Mauricio F. Rojas G.


During the second half of XIX century, the social and political elite that leaded Chile destiny, adopted the liberal development strategy, with the purpose of obtaining the social and economical progress of the country. This model implied to impose and instill rules and behaviors. Which were directed to conform an organized population under standard parameters. This paper studies how the community experimented a gradual process of transformation of its “moral economy”, which was evident from one side, to assume speeches derived from elites, and on the other hand delegitimize their own ones. Thus, from the last third of XIX century, certain concepts derived from the state were appreciated as virtues by the subordinated groups, making possible in such a way, the process of building state hegemony.


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How to Cite
Rojas G., M. F. (2021). HEGEMONY AND CITIZENRY. CONCEPCIÓN (CHILE, 1860-1900). Millars. Espai I Història, 2(51), 105–134. https://doi.org/10.6035/Millars.2021.51.5
Author Biography

Mauricio F. Rojas G., Universidad del Bío-Bío

Doctor en Historia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y Profesor titular de Historia en la Universidad del Bío-Bío y en la Universidad de Concepción (Chile). De su bibliografía destacamos dos libros: Las voces de la justicia. Crímenes de violencia y sociedad en la Provincia de Concepción. 1820-1875Santiago de Chile, DIBAM, 2008; y, Modelando conductas, construyendo ciudadanía. Modernización, control social y hegemonías en la Provincia de Concepción (1850-1930). Concepción, Ediciones Universidad del Bío-Bío, 2015.