The anti-author as visual tourist: Javier Aguirre’s unlimited

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Vicente José Benet Ferrando


Javier Aguirre’s work is a very complex example of the notion of an auteur in the field of cinema. Throughout his professional career, he made commercial films in which he followed the conventional parameters of popular cinema. At the same time, however, he was also responsible for strongly individual films in the line of the most experimental and independent cinema of his time. This article reflects on the idea of the (anti)author regarding the relations between both models of production. The notion of style in cinema inevitably involves three fundamental elements: the conditions of production, the state of film technology and the way in which creative work is approached at every moment of history. In this text, we focus on the films directed by Aguirre between 1960 and 1985, reviewing his main thematic references and the specific expressive resources that characterized that period. Finally, we consider the articulation of these themes from a perspective of a field that is both a metonymy and also as a metaphor for Spain undergoing the process of modernization during the final years of the Franco Regime: the tourist experience.


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How to Cite
Benet Ferrando, V. J. (2023). The anti-author as visual tourist: Javier Aguirre’s unlimited . Culture, Language and Representation, 32, 39–54.


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