Deconstructing the image of women politicians on Twitter

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Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez


This paper consists of a linguistic-pragmatic study of the twitter messages of Spanish politicians, men and women, in order to discover how the image of a public figure is constructed and deconstructed through the comments of citizens. These comments reflect their evaluations of the politician and his or her management, and at the same time, they are projected publicly, affecting the candidate's image. We focus on the vocatives used, showing, from this integrated approach, not only their syntactic function and their basically appellative nature, but also their socio-pragmatic behaviour as a tool for defining the interactive relationship with the person alluded to and forming a generally negative identity for the public figure. The vocatives frequently resort to ad hominem attacks based on their personality or the role they play. Accusations of lying, misrepresenting, stealing or not fulfilling their obligations are constant, as well as other more personal insults. Positive appraisals are less frequent. The study contrasts the results according to the gender of the person to whom the vocatives are addressed


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Fuentes Rodríguez, C. (2023). Deconstructing the image of women politicians on Twitter. Culture, Language and Representation, 31, 31–52.

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