The role of readers and their function in classical Chinese literary theory in Europe

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Ya-hui Chang


This study investigates the role of European readers and their function in classical Chinese literary theory, through Liu Xie’s Wenxin diaolong (WXDL, The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons), a canonical work that is often compared to Aristotle’s Poetics. First, based on the concept of the role of the reader, a representation of chinoiserie is probably observed with a certain imbalance between the knowledge of Chinese and European poetics. Next, the reception of the work is systematically reviewed in both the English-speaking world and the European one to shed light on the profile of the reading audience. Given the multicultural pedigree of WXDL and its translations, the work’s various contributions are seen as highlighting the evolution of Chinese literary thought in Europe. Thus, a rhythm, an itinerary, and a more appropriate dialog for the universal poetics will be found.


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Chang, Y.- hui. (2023). The role of readers and their function in classical Chinese literary theory in Europe. Culture, Language and Representation, 30, 7–20.


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