Sociolinguistic study of the political and public interventions of the presidents of the extremenian government

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Elena Molina Fernández de Molina Ortés


In this research we present a sociolinguistic study of the three presidents of Extremadura's democracy: Rodríguez Ibarra, Monago and Fernández Vara. From the compilation of a linguistic corpus of different interventions of the presidents, we will carry out a sociolinguistic investigation to verify the similarities and the differences that exist between them. On the one hand, we will use phonetic variants typical of Extremadura to know who uses more conservative and innovative phenomena and, on the other hand, from a constructivist perspective, we will check whether some extralinguistic variables such as age, and stylistics such as the type of discourse, the context in which they are located, or the audience to which they are directed, modify their linguistic features


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Fernández de Molina Ortés, E. M. (2021). Sociolinguistic study of the political and public interventions of the presidents of the extremenian government. Culture, Language and Representation, 26, 167–187.


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