Feminist Deconstruction and Reappropiation of Space in Art: An Approach

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Andrea Luquin Calvo
Alberto Ferrer García
Anna Vives


This article provides an overview on a series of reflections associated to the meaning and deconstruction of space from feminist proposals within the field of art. From the beginning, feminism has dealt with the criticism and subversion of public and private spaces and identities which are constructed around them; it has also focused on the search for representation and recognition. In order to do so, feminism contests the discursive frameworks of power related to binary and patriarchal spaces, and resignifies and recognises categories such as body, class, race, sexuality and gender in the shaping of those spaces. The purpose of this essay is to provide a useful framework to approach the subsequent articles on a number of proposals made by different women artists. These creators use art as a space to construct new meanings in the political and social order as well as with regard to identity and gender; in turn, those meanings call forth a reappropriation and transformation of our spaces.


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Luquin Calvo, A., Ferrer García, A., & Vives, A. (2024). Feminist Deconstruction and Reappropiation of Space in Art: An Approach. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (43), 17–35. https://doi.org/10.6035/asparkia.7772


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