ContAR: augmented reality as a support for visual representation in the art of storytelling

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Iris Barrajón Lara
Alba García Vega
Rut Martínez Borda
Julián de la Fuente Prieto


Social practices in the digital era have linked the concept of visual culture to the consumption of experiences based on the use of technological devices. Younger audiences, such as the Alpha generation, experience the world through screens, thus transforming the visual representations and the production of meaning generated when performing any activity. In this sense, the objective of this research is the development of an augmented reality application that allows this generation to approach the cultural tradition of oral storytelling through the visual support of different objects representative of oral tales. To carry out this research, a methodology is proposed that combines two methodological processes based on the system development life cycle and Human-Computer Interaction to develop the different phases of the process —definition, design, development, and evaluation—. For the evaluation phase, a data collection technique is proposed with a qualitative approach based on the Focus Group. The article concludes that the creation of applications or technological tools as visual support for the development of traditional cultural practices encourages the interest and creativity of younger audiences as they adapt to the consumption needs that this generation presents.


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How to Cite
Barrajón Lara, I., García Vega, A., Martínez Borda, R., & de la Fuente Prieto, J. (2023). ContAR: augmented reality as a support for visual representation in the art of storytelling. AdComunica, (26), 77–96.
Author Biographies

Iris Barrajón Lara, University of Alcalá

FPI-UAH Phd Student. Her lines of research focus on analyzing the place of ICTs in the social, cultural and educational spheres.  She tries to respond to the new transformations that emerge in society to improve the use of these tools and promote their use. He has participated in the creation of technological applications based on virtual and augmented reality.

Alba García Vega, University of Alcalá

FPU-UAH Phd Student. Her lines of study focus on the communicative projection of narratives in digital media, technological evolution and the dynamics of interactive media. She has carried out projects and taught courses focused on the analysis of technologies and the development of digital content, developing technological applications based on the inclusion of virtual and augmented reality.

Rut Martínez Borda, University of Alcalá

Professor at the University of Alcalá. Her research focuses on analyzing the place of ICTs in the lives of children and young people. She specializes in education through art or video games as cultural objects. She looks for answers that can help educators to understand the new generations.

Julián de la Fuente Prieto, University of Alcalá

Assistant Professor at the University of Alcalá. His lines of research focus on new media literacy, transmedia storytelling and augmented reality. He also participates in university projects of educational innovation. He has made holographic installations, 3D projections and interactive screens. He is responsible for several projects for the dissemination of film heritage.


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