Do top-down and bottom-up agents agree on internationalisation? A mixed methods study of Spanish universities

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Rosana Villares Maldonado


This paper explores the implementation of internationalisation in the Spanish university system and its effects from a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative corpus linguistics techniques and qualitative interview protocols. Results from the quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that Spanish universities’ written policies align with the national framework and rely on a complementary use of ‘abroad’ and ‘at home’ strategies for research and education mostly through mobility, collaboration, and English-medium instruction. A positive representation of internationalisation is also identified, with both top-down and bottom-up actors stressing its benefits for society and individuals. Yet, some critical voices pointed at mismatches between institutional views and stakeholders’ experiences, questioning the sufficient allocation of resources and lack of recognition and incentives. The paper argues that effective comprehensive internationalisation should include written internationalisation plans, communication strategies, and a clearly defined internationalisation model adapted to the universities’ particularities.


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Villares Maldonado, R. . (2022). Do top-down and bottom-up agents agree on internationalisation? A mixed methods study of Spanish universities. Language Value, 15(2), 1–28.


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