Media literacy of high school students in Ecuador against the school curriculum

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Lucy Andrade Vargas
Margoth Iriarte Solano
Diana Rivera-Rogel
Isidro Marín-Gutiérrez
Andrea Velásquez Benavides


This article is based on the diagnosis made of the competence levels of the Baccalaureate students in Ecuador in relation to the media. A qualitative study of content analysis in the baccalaureate curriculum following the dimensions of the concept of media competence of Ferrés and Piscitelli was carried out. The study made it possible to determine that 8% of the total skills contemplated in the baccalaureate contribute to the development of media skills, while 92% do not. This proves that the percentage is low compared to the total of skills worked, limiting with this the ability of students to perceive, analyze, discriminate and enjoy media communication.


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How to Cite
Andrade Vargas, L., Iriarte Solano, M., Rivera-Rogel, D., Marín-Gutiérrez, I., & Velásquez Benavides, A. (2020). Media literacy of high school students in Ecuador against the school curriculum. MonTI. Monographs in Translation and Interpreting, 166–186.
Author Biographies

Lucy Andrade Vargas, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Lucy Andrade Vargas has a PhD in Psychological Development, Family, Education and Intervention, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Master in Pedagogy, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador). Teacher-researcher of the UTPL, lines and research projects: Psychopedagogy: “Teacher training program for cognitive development. 2014- UNED-AECIDUTPL”, “Psychopedagogical intervention for the improvement of the family and school social climate. 2014-2017 UTPL”, “Education for parents for inclusion and citizenship. 2015-UTPL”, Curriculum and Didactics: “Media competences in young people and parents of educational institutions in Ecuador. 2014-2016-Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness- University of Huelva-UTPL” and “Curriculum redesign of the Education Sciences careers 2016-2017 UTPL”.

Margoth Iriarte Solano, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Margoth Iriarte Solano is a Master in Teaching and Educational Evaluation. Co-author of the book Teaching practice in Basic Education: Experiences and reflections. Participant in project “Media Competencies in young people, teachers and parents of public and private educational institutions of Ecuador, teaching practice and quality of learning in girls, boys and adolescents of Basic Education in the southern region of Ecuador. University Professor in Undergraduate and Postgraduate, in Basic Education and high school.

Diana Rivera-Rogel, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Diana Rivera-Rogel is a full professor at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), Ecuador. PhD in Communication and Journalism and a degree in Social Communication. Director of the Área Sociohumanística of the UTPL, Coordinator of the Inter-University Network of Euro-American Research on Media Competencies for Citizenship (ALFAMED) in Ecuador. Coordinator of the Communication Network (REDU). She has been the international Co-editor of the scientific journal Comunicar (2013-15). She has published several articles in impact-indexed journals and book chapters. She has also been a member of scientific councils, such as CIKI (2015), ISTI (2015), XESCOM (2016) and REDU (2016). Reviewer of several indexed scientific journals, such as Comunicar,, Revista de Comunicación, Comunicación y Sociedad, Zer, among others.

Isidro Marín-Gutiérrez, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Isidro Marín Gutiérrez holds a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada. Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the Universidad de Granada. Associate Professor at the Universidad de Huelva. Teacher-Tutor in the Associated Center of the UNED of Huelva. Researcher of the Private Technical University of Loja. His research career is mainly focused on drug consumption and media skills.

Andrea Velásquez Benavides, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Andrea Velásquez benavides is a Professor of Marketing and Advertising at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. PhD in Communication and Creative Industries in the Universidad Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Master in Communication and Creative Industries from the same University. Member of the quality team of Social Communication and Public Relations. She is currently investigating topics such as media consumption, reception, audiences, digital brands and media literacy


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