Isabel I y Lord Essex en Hollywood: la imagen pública y el retrato privado


Vicente J. Benet Ferrando


In the article we approach and develop the intertextual relations between film, painting and literature. It offers a textual analysis of Michael Curtiz’s film The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (Warner Bros, 1939) and it connects certain aspects of the mise-en-scène with the ideology of Elizabethan painting and the narrative tradition (either oral and popular or literary) that were recuperated by Lytton Strachey in his famous biography of Elizabeth I and Lord Essex.


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Como Citar
Benet Ferrando, V. J. (2018). Isabel I y Lord Essex en Hollywood: la imagen pública y el retrato privado. Millars. Espai I Història, 2(16), 61–76. Obtido de