Remediation of Moving Bodies: Aesthetic Perceptions of a Live, Digitised and Animated Dance Performance


Pauline Brooks


This article discusses the dance performance project Interface 2, which involved live dancers, animated computer projections (remediated creations of the live section), and the interface of live dancers with dancers on film. It analyses the responses and perceptions of an audience to the changing transformations of the
media and the staging of the dance performance. Alongside these responses, I compare and contrast some of the philosophical and aesthetic debates from the past three decades regarding dance and technology in performance, including that of the tension between the acceptance or rejection of «unnatural» remediated bodies and «natural» live bodies moving in the stage space.


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Com citar
Brooks, P. (2009). Remediation of Moving Bodies: Aesthetic Perceptions of a Live, Digitised and Animated Dance Performance. Cultura, Lenguaje Y Representación, 6, 85–99. Retrieved from