Men that Buy Inequality: Critical Analysis of Sex Buyers' Discourse on Prostituted Women and Girls


Rosa M. Senent


Over the centuries, prostitution has been problematised from many sides, with women always at the centre of the debate. However, its dynamics cannot be understood without the demand side of the equation. Why are there men that pay for prostitution to exist? The purpose of this paper is to give insight into the mindset of men who seek out prostitution services by critically analysing the discourse they produce online. Sex buyers’ expectations in commercial sexual encounters with prostituted women are a good insight into their belief
system about women in general. Such expectations are likely to have practical consequences in the way they behave in their relationships with all women in terms of sexuality and, therefore, for feminist purposes of equality on a broader scale.


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Com citar
Senent, R. M. (2019). Men that Buy Inequality: Critical Analysis of Sex Buyers’ Discourse on Prostituted Women and Girls. Asparkía. Investigació Feminista, (35), 23–44. Retrieved from


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