Gastronomy as a Creative Industry in a digital context. Analysis of the websites and social networks of the Spanish restaurants with Michelin star

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Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí
Eliseo Rodríguez-Monteagudo


Over the last few years, the increasing success of gastronomy has been evident, not only as an economic market but also from a communicative perspective. Understanding it as a Creative Industry, gastronomy is becoming more important in the communication market and strategic, which gradually approach the restaurant industry to everyone, are being developed by democratizing the art of cooking and making it an accessible and available talent to everyone.

In a full development context, strategies and communication resources used by both the media and the restaurants themselves and culinary professionals, are to become the main objective necessary to understand, for example, how the communication resources are exploited and what their effect is along with their opportunities.

This article focuses on a content analysis of the main web resources used by eight Spanish restaurants awarded three stars by the Michelin Guide Spain-Portugal (2014). The main objective is trying to know the online communication strategy undertaken by these restaurants and to establish the importance given to Web resources contributing both their own brands consolidation and the development of the gastronomic Creative Industry itself. The results show some disparity in the use of both web resources and social media. Thus, the restaurant industry and the Spanish restoration has a challenge: to continue providing a stronger engagement with the two-way communication and inviting their audiences to participate, in order to attract new contacts, to ensure current customer’s loyalty and to convert new contacts into customers and influencers.


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How to Cite
Segarra-Saavedra, J., Hidalgo-Marí, T., & Rodríguez-Monteagudo, E. (2015). Gastronomy as a Creative Industry in a digital context. Analysis of the websites and social networks of the Spanish restaurants with Michelin star. AdComunica, 135–154.
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Author Biographies

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra, Universidad de Alicante

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra ( es DEA (2008) y licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (2005) por la Universidad de Alicante (UA). Investigador y doctorando en Comunicación, es miembro del proyecto de investigación COMPUBES (Comunicación y Públicos Específicos) y editor técnico adjunto de Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación de la UA.

Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí, Universidad de Alicante

Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí ( es doctora por la Universidad de Alicante (2013) y máster en Comunicación e Industrias Creativas (2012). Miembro del grupo de investigación Industrias culturales hoy: producción, difusión, gestión y consumo de productos culturales en la era de la información (IIICCXXXI) de la Universidad de Alicante (UA). Participa en el proyecto I+D+i La construcción social de la mujer en la ficción televisiva y la web 2.0: prototipos, recepción y retroalimentación (FEM2013-33411) financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

Eliseo Rodríguez-Monteagudo, Universidad de Alicante

Eliseo Rodríguez-Monteagudo ( es máster en Comunicación e Industrias Creativas (2012) y licenciado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (2004) por la Universidad de Alicante (UA). Doctorando (línea de investigación Comunicación en la era digital).