What’s cooking in multicultural films? Food, language and identity in British and American audiovisual products and their Italian dubbed version

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Silvia Monti


In a world in which multiculturalism and multilingualism pervade every layer of society, much attention has been recently focused on exploring the symbolic relevance of socio-cultural traditions in multiethnic contexts of interaction. In particular, contemporary British and American films often investigate the importance of ethnic food as a key entry to cultural and linguistic memory in immigrant communities in Europe and the USA. Starting from these observations, this paper sets out to investigate the socio-cultural and linguistic functions food naming serves as an identity/ethnicity tool in both the original and the Italian dubbed version of such intercultural films as Bend it Like Beckham, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Ae Fond Kiss, The Mistress of Spices, My Life In Ruins, Eat Pray Love, The Hundred-Foot Journey, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2, where the immigrant characters express their hybrid identity through the recurrent use of intra-sentential code-switching (Myers-Scotton 1993) from they-code to we-code (Gumperz 1982) when quoting the original names of their traditional dishes, thus symbolically and linguistically representing the transcultural and translanguaging space (Wei 2011) they live in.


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Cómo citar
Monti, S. (2019). What’s cooking in multicultural films? Food, language and identity in British and American audiovisual products and their Italian dubbed version. MonTI. Monografías De Traducción E Interpretación, 199–228. https://doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2019.ne4.7
Biografía del autor/a

Silvia Monti, Università di Pavia

Silvia Monti è ricercatrice di Lingua inglese presso l’Università degli studi di Pavia. I suoi interessi di ricerca in ambito linguistico vertono in particolare su: la presenza e le funzioni di code-switching e code-mixing in prodotti audiovisivi multilingui e multiculturali e le strategie traduttive relative a code-switching e code-mixing nelle loro versioni italiane doppiate; le varietà della lingua inglese e il loro uso nella contemporaneità (con particolare attenzione a: fenomeni morfologici, lessicali e sintattici; funzioni sociolinguistiche di dialetti, etnoletti, slang, gerghi; studio contrastivo di inglese britannico, inglese americano e inglese australiano); le principali tecniche utilizzate per la traduzione dello slang nella versione italiana doppiata di film britannici e americani contemporanei; le caratteristiche linguistiche del Netspeak.


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Ae Fond Kiss (Ken Loach 2004)

Bend it Like Beckham (Gurinder Chadha 2002)

Eat Pray Love (Ryan Murphy 2010)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (Joel Zwick 2002)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (Kirk Jones 2016)

My Life In Ruins (Donald Petrie 2009)

The Hundred-Foot Journey (Lasse Hallström 2014)

The Mistress of Spices (Paul Mayeda Berges 2008)