A corpus-driven analysis of adjective/noun collocations in travel journalism in English, Italian and Polish

Contenido principal del artículo

David Finbar Brett
Barbara Loranc-Paszylk
Antonio Pinna


This paper describes the compilation and subsequent analysis of a comparable corpus of travel journalism in three languages (English, Italian, and Polish). By means of a corpus driven methodology, our study focuses on adjective/noun pairings, extracting a list of statistically significant collocations for each language and observing differences and similarities with those of the other two. Social Networks Analysis tolos are used to highlight the most productive collocates. Finally, collocations concerning selected themes are analysed across the three corpora, highlighting how this approach may provide valuable input to the production of reference materials for translators.


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Cómo citar
Finbar Brett, D. ., Loranc-Paszylk, B. ., & Pinna, A. (2021). A corpus-driven analysis of adjective/noun collocations in travel journalism in English, Italian and Polish. MonTI. Monografías De Traducción E Interpretación, (13), 114–147. https://doi.org/10.6035/MonTI.2021.13.04
Biografía del autor/a

David Finbar Brett, Università degli studi di Sassari, Italy

David Finbar Brett is a full-time researcher at the University of Sassari and has been working in Italy for over 25 years: initially in the field of teaching English as a foreign language, and more recently in that of research in the sector of English language and translation. His main research interests include corpus linguistics, e-learning and foreign language learning, and computer assisted pronunciation training. He has given numerous presentations on these topics in international conferences and has held workshops on CALL, corpus linguistics and EFL materials development in Italy, France, Slovenia, Spain, Poland and Cyprus.

Barbara Loranc-Paszylk, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland

Barbara Loranc-Paszylk holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from University of Silesia, Poland. She works as assistant professor at University of Bielsko- Biała, Poland. Her research interests focus on exploring various linguistic aspects of telecollaboration as well as innovative uses of digital resources in foreign language teaching and learning. She has published in international journals and edited volumes in the field of second language acquisition.

Antonio Pinna, Università degli studi di Sassari, Italy

Antonio Pinna has an MPhil in Corpus Linguistics from the University of Birmingham (UK). He works as associate professor of English Language at the University of Sassari (Italy) where he teaches Pragmatics, (Critical) Discourse Analysis, and English for Tourism Studies at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research interests include U.S. Presidential discourse, News discourse, and applications of Corpus Linguistics to various discourse types.


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