Symbols and democracy in an interpretation of the city

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Manuel Alcaraz Ramos


This article proposes a reflection on the symbolic production of the city and its dependence on the spaces and times that globalization has generated within it, dominated by inequality and the tension between inclusion and exclusion. If democracy needs the territorial base of sovereignty, how is it articulated in these fluctuating times of cognitive capitalism? How can we plan in a city traversed by the non-places and non-times of inequality? The formulae of representative democracy cannot be said to have passed their expiration date before their time, when they have not yet been fully developed and when the experiences of direct democracy have still not revealed their full potential. The time has come to try out formulae of deliberative democracy based on inclusive citizenships.


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How to Cite
Alcaraz Ramos, Manuel. 2022. “Symbols and Democracy in an Interpretation of the City”. Kult-ur 9 (17):33-54.


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