The Other reflected in book covers: Japanese novel translations in Spain

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Alba Serra-Vilella


This paper aims to analyze the image of the Other in the covers of novels translated from Japanese and published in Spain from 1904 to 2014. Based on the idea that translations contribute to the formation of cultural images and that paratexts play an important part, this study comprises a content analysis of 432 covers and a qualitative interpretation of the obtained data, for which the notions of orientalism and polysystem have been useful. The results show that covers of Japanese translated books are strongly marked by stereotypes, reinforcing exoticism in the presentation of the Other through the use of traditional images, having recourse to femininity, anachronism and ukiyo-e. The results show that the use of tradition has followed a percentually decreasing trend in the last years, but femininity remains highly present without following a clear pattern. Exoticism provides a distorted image that may hinder understanding of the Other, being this contrary to the approaching of cultures which is one of the functions usually attributed to translation.


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Cómo citar
Serra-Vilella, A. (2018). The Other reflected in book covers: Japanese novel translations in Spain. Cultura, Lenguaje Y Representación, 19, 141–161. Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Alba Serra-Vilella, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Profesora asociada en el Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, imparte docencia en lengua japonesa. Doctorada el 2016 en Traducción y Estudios Interculturales por la misma universidad, desarrolla su investigación en torno a las traducciones del japonés publicadas en España.


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