Metaphoric Extension and Invited Inferencing Semantic Change

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Karen Sullivan


Two models of semantic change, metaphoric extension (Sweetser, 1990) and invited inferencing (Traugott and Dasher, 2002), have been offered as explanations for changes such as “see” > “know/understand”. In this paper, I will show that, while either model works for some of the changes, each model can explain changes that the other cannot. Metaphoric extension and invited inferencing can therefore be considered as two types of change rather than two competing theories. I furthermore suggest that changes such as “see” > “know/understand” occur when metaphoric extension and invited inferencing reinforce one another via parallel chaining (a concept adapted from Goossens, 2003).


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Cómo citar
Sullivan, K. (2014). Metaphoric Extension and Invited Inferencing Semantic Change. Cultura, Lenguaje Y Representación, 5, 255–271. Recuperado a partir de