Business strategies for their websites of the most listened to radio stations in Buenos Aires

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Agustín Eduardo Espada


This article proposes an exploratory approach to the content production and marketing strategies of the most listened AM and FM radios in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for their websites. In this way, and as a general objective of the work, we seek to investigate and discover innovations or experiences in the generation-production of digital radio content as well as in its commercialization or advertising sale.
The study of the changes proposed by the technological and media convergence for media companies implies the realization of different simultaneous works. The observation and analysis of the contents is only a part that is complemented, in this work, with the realization of interviews to producers, managers and radio directors. Especially its digital sections or departments.
In this way, one of the main findings of this work consists in the lack of defined strategies, the absence of specific radio productions for the web and a search for greater complementarity with traditional contents through texts and videos. In this context, the uncertainty of the behavior of the traditional advertising market is against the taking of initiatives by management.


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How to Cite
Espada, A. E. (2019). Business strategies for their websites of the most listened to radio stations in Buenos Aires. AdComunica, 67–88.
Author Biography

Agustín Eduardo Espada, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciado en Comunicación Social (UNQ), Magíster en Industrias Culturales (UNQ), Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Becario Doctoral del  CONICET. Investigador de la adaptación de la radio a las plataformas convergentes, de los cambios en su producción, circulación y comercialización.