Branded content: a new bet for the New York Times

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Giorgia Miotto
Gregory Payne


In an environment characterized by a continuous flow of free information through the network, both the media and brands struggle every day to win the battle in the economy of public attention. Traditional advertising formats are perceived as intrusive and ineffective. That is why, together with an unfavorable economic situation, the investment in traditional advertising in the printed and digital versions of newspapers is constantly decreasing. Companies and media have found in branded content a new way to connect with the public. The objective of this research is to describe the paradigmatic case of the New York Times, a pioneer in the creation and dissemination of branded content campaigns. We analyze ten examples of campaigns to measure the level of presence of the sponsoring brand, the formats used and if there is a quest for legitimization when creating relationships with stakeholders through branded content. We use the methodology of content analysis. The research shows that, according with the New York Times case study, branded content is a medium-long term strategy, not focused on the product and that aims to create a relationship with stakeholders based on the creation and dissemination of useful, interesting content and, often, with pedagogical significance that adds value to society as a whole.


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How to Cite
Miotto, G., & Payne, G. (2019). Branded content: a new bet for the New York Times. AdComunica, 23–39.
Author Biographies

Giorgia Miotto, Facultad de Comunicación y Relaciones Internacionales Blanquerna - Universitat Ramon Lllull

Doctora en Comunicación Avanzada, profesora asociada, impartiendo clase sobre New Media, Marketing y RSC. Investiga sobre el impacto de los nuevos medios de comunicación en las audiencias, el consumo y creación de contenidos y la reputación corporativa. Licenciada en Letras Clásicas (Universitá degli Studi di Padova Italia) y Executive MBA (EADA Business School). Ha sido miembro del Comité Ejecutivo de UN Global Compact y del UN PRME.


Gregory Payne, Emerson College (Boston – USA)

Doctor por la University of Illinois. Es profesor asociado y director del departamento de estudios de comunicación del Emerson College (Boston -USA). Es experto en comunicación política, gestión de crisis y relaciones públicas a través de los medios de comunicación. Ha sido presidente de la International Academy of Business Disciplines.