Corporate communication strategy on Facebook. The case of the public youth organizations in Spain

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Manuel Jesús Cartes Barroso


Young people are great consumers of social media, which generally use them to socialize and interact with other people and especially as a form of entertainment. Recently, Spanish corporations have shown their attention to this young public, with the aim of knowing their opinion and communicate and interact with them. However, despite this growing interest, almost nothing has been investigated about the use of social networks in the communication strategies of companies and institutions to reach young audiences. And even less about organizations for young people.

Therefore, this paper focuses on a concrete example and tries to analyze the presence and the use of the public youth organizations of Spain in the social network Facebook, with the aim of knowing what they communicate and how much, besides knowing how they interact with the public. In this sense, we analyze the corporate communication of the 18 autonomous youth organizations in Spain, in addition to the national one. Through the content analysis of Facebook posts, this research reveals that public youth organizations, mostly, inform but do not encourage public participation. Thus, these entities do not Atuoknow all the possibilities offered by social networks.


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How to Cite
Cartes Barroso, M. J. (2018). Corporate communication strategy on Facebook. The case of the public youth organizations in Spain. AdComunica, 197–214.
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Author Biography

Manuel Jesús Cartes Barroso, Universidad de Sevilla

Licenciado y Doctor en Periodismo por la Universidad de Sevilla y máster oficial en Artes de la Comunicación Corporativa por la Universidad CEU San Pablo. Es miembro del Equipo de Investigación de Análisis y Técnica de la Información de la Universidad de Sevilla.