Ecuadorian cybermedia on Twitter. The dissemination of content as a fundamental communicative strategy

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Javier Odriozola-Chené
Joaquín Marqués Pascual


The purpose of this article is to highlight the use that Ecuadorian cybermedia makes of social networks, in this case Twitter. To do this, we start with the three fundamental applications within the journalistic exercise: information search, content dissemination and interaction with the audience. Thus, the research has carried out a content analysis, using the Tweetchup tool, of all the tweets published by twelve Ecuadorian digital media throughout an artificial week of the stratified samplings. The sample is made up of native cybermedia and electronic media evolution from traditional, private and public media. The results obtained were compared with a sample of five major international media in order to establish the level of ‘social development’ of the Ecuadorian media. The research shows how the local media use Twitter as a tool to improve the dissemination of their media content, as is the case with foreign media, putting it before the dialogue that their audiences demand. Faced with this situation, it is necessary for the media to adapt to the new sociocommunication framework, with proactive audiences, creating spaces of socialization where dialogue is encouraged in a permanent and multidirectional manner.


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How to Cite
Odriozola-Chené, J., & Marqués Pascual, J. (2017). Ecuadorian cybermedia on Twitter. The dissemination of content as a fundamental communicative strategy. AdComunica, 229–248.
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Author Biographies

Javier Odriozola-Chené, Universidad de los Hemisferios (Quito-Ecuador)

Javier Odriozola-Chéné [] es doctor en Comunicación. Director (IP) del Observatorio de Medios de la Universidad de los Hemisferios que cuenta con dos líneas de investigación: comunicación pública y medios de comunicación; y calidad de la información periodística.


Joaquín Marqués Pascual, EAE Business School - Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya

Joaquín Marqués-Pascual [] es doctor en Comunicación, abogado, politólogo, periodista. IP en CompolWatch, grupo de investigación adscrito a ACCIEP, centrado en investigar la intersección entre los ámbitos de la comunicación, la política y la creación normativa.


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