The two faces of Generation Z’s and Millennials in Journalism education

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Alex Araujo Batlle
Josep Lluís Micó


University education is one of the key factors in the redefinition of journalist’s role. Also, the transformation of the information industry and the increasing number of professionals learning in the universities, feeds even more the need to understand what happens in this formative stage. In other hand, a hyper-connected generation that wants all immediately, that lives in mobility and ready to consume in multiple formats; currently are occupying the universities classrooms. They are the generation of future journalism professionals in their formative stage. What is happening in the classrooms of today’s universities? Are they permeable to the characteristics of this generation? Based on a survey of 276 students of Journalism Degree from two universities, one public and the other one private, this paper tries to know the consumption habits and uses of ICT in the university context. The results draw a dual profile. In the university context the students adopt an asynchronous, static and textual behavior. In the non-university context these same students become more synchronous, mobility and audiovisual adopting the characteristically behavior of this generation.


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How to Cite
Araujo Batlle, A., & Micó, J. L. (2017). The two faces of Generation Z’s and Millennials in Journalism education. AdComunica, 163–181.
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Author Biographies

Alex Araujo Batlle, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Alex Araujo Batlle [] es Doctor en comunicación por la Universitat Ramon Llull, es profesor en la Escola Superior de Ciències Socials i de l’Empresa Tecnocampus – Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Donde coordina el Grado en Márquetin y Comunidades Digitales. Especializado en comunicación y educación, ha participado en distintos proyectos de desarrollo de programas universitarios no presenciales.

Josep Lluís Micó, Universitat Ramon Llull

Josep Lluís Micó [] es Catedrático de periodismo de la Universitat Ramon Llull, es vicedecano académico de la Facultat de Comunicació i Relacions Internacionals Blanquerna, donde ha dirigido el grado en periodismo, el Master en periodismo avanzado-reporterismo Blanquerna-Grupo Godó, el Master en comunicación de moda 080 Barcelona fashion y el postgrado en periodismo deportivo Blanquerna - F. C. Barcelona. Ejerce como analista de tecnología en medios como La vanguardia, y Radio Nacional de España-Ràdio 4.