The scenario of conciliation to equality in the advertising environment. A comparison between the education sector and the professional

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Marta Martín Llaguno
Marián Navarro Beltrá
María José Rodríguez Jaume


In recent decades, conciliation has emerged as an issue of social concern. Thus, in Spain emerge a number of regulations dealing with this problem. Specifically, in 2007 it promulgated the Law for Effective Equality of Women and Men that makes it mandatory, for certain companies, of develop and implement equality plans. In order to determine the degree of application of this rule and compare the conditions for conciliation between teachers and professionals in the advertising industry, we conducted an analysis of content information relating to the creation of units and the equality plans in the Spanish universities that offer studies in advertising, and we conducted a survey for teachers and employees in the advertising industry in order to measure work family levels and their perceptions on changes because of the law. The results show that public universities have implemented greater extent the legal precepts associated with the conciliation than public ones. In turn, there are differences in the consideration of conflict family/work between teachers and professionals: the teachers consider that the family sphere interferes with the laboral one while advertisers perceive that the overflow of the laboral sphere toward the family one is higher. However, both types of workers do not perceive a family friendly culture in their works, and they do not perceive changes because of the law.


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How to Cite
Martín Llaguno, M., Navarro Beltrá, M., & Rodríguez Jaume, M. J. (2011). The scenario of conciliation to equality in the advertising environment. A comparison between the education sector and the professional. AdComunica, 183–200.
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Author Biographies

Marta Martín Llaguno, Universidad de Alicante

Marta Martín Llaguno es doctora en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad de Navarra. Se incorpora a la Licenciatura de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Alicante en 1997. Actualmente es Profesora Titular de Universidad de Deontología Publicitaria y Fundamentos de la Comunicación II del Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social de la Universidad de Alicante.

Marián Navarro Beltrá, Universidad de Alicante

Marián Navarro Beltrá es licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad de Alicante con la obtención el Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura. En 2010 Obtuvo el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA) que acredita su Suficiencia Investigadora. Actualmente es becaria FPI de la Generalitat Valenciana en el Departamento de Comunicación y Psicología Social de la Universidad de Alicante.

María José Rodríguez Jaume, Universidad de Alicante

María José Rodríguez Jaume es doctora en Sociología, con la obtención de Premio Extraordinario, por la Universidad de Alicante. Se incorpora al Departamento de Sociología I de la Universidad de Alicante como Profesora Asociada en 1997. Actualmente es Profesora Titular de Escuela Universitaria en el Departamento de Sociología I y es Delegada del Rector para Políticas de Género.