Youtube as a strategic marketing tool for fashion: Analysis of the official channel What the chic in 2015

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Graciela Lavalle Amaya
Tomás Atarama Rojas


The emergence in recent years of new media such as YouTube, has given rise to a different interaction with the audience. Often it is said that traditional media no longer produce the same effect on the audience and that is because now people are looking for easier and interactive ways to access information. The aim of this paper is to study what the potential of Youtube as a marketing tool in the service of fashion in Peru. Thus we have made a content analysis that has taken as a case study the Youtube channel What the chic. To proceed with the observation in the construction of the contents of that channel, we used variables as topics of publication, branding and trademarks.


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How to Cite
Lavalle Amaya, G., & Atarama Rojas, T. (2016). Youtube as a strategic marketing tool for fashion: Analysis of the official channel What the chic in 2015. AdComunica, 91–108.
Author Biographies

Graciela Lavalle Amaya, Universidad de Piura

Graciela Lavalle Amaya. Apoyo de Investigación en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura. Estudiante de quinto año en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura.

Tomás Atarama Rojas, Universidad de Piura

Tomás Atarama Rojas. Máster en Creación de Guiones Audiovisuales por la Universidad de Internacional de La Rioja, España. Licenciado en Comunicación por la Universidad de Piura. Docente e investigador del departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Piura.