The transmedia contained in fiction generalist channels in Spain

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María Josefa Formoso Barro


Audiovisual content after digitalization have become essential elements for the development of the sector as they allow a breakthrough in the narrative possibilities and the extension to different media. In recent years the contents of fiction have become the principal support of the programming schedules of TV channels. Fiction is a genre that can work the narrative diversity and bring the contents to different communication media.

This paper discusses the transmedia narrative that generalist TV operators in Spain using content to attract the attention of viewers and thus achieve the scope and impact necessary to keep the audience.

For this, the extension to other platforms scheduled for national television operators (Mediaset, Atresmedia, RTVE) with own production and that have been released in 2014 and the first half of 2015. The series is analyzed research results indicate programs transmedia fiction generated content that allows them to keep the audience attentive and evolution indicates that the interaction with the audience is important for achieving this goal.


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How to Cite
Formoso Barro, M. J. (2015). The transmedia contained in fiction generalist channels in Spain. AdComunica, 41–59.
Author Biography

María Josefa Formoso Barro, Universidade da Coruña

María Josefa Formoso Barro ( es doctora en Humanidades y licenciada en Periodismo. Durante veinte años, trabajó en Mediaset como Delegada de la Producción Ejecutiva de programas de entretenimiento y ficción televisiva. Ha sido responsable de la producción de series como Médico de familia, Periodistas o Javier ya no vive solo, entre otras (