Possible implementation of subjects taught using English as a Medium of Instruction methodology in tourism studies

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Francisco José Álvarez Gil


The present study analyses which conditions would be necessary to implement subjects taught using English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) methodology in the undergraduate degree in tourism studies at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). In the literature review, some of the concepts related to this methodological approach are examined to clarify diverse methodological approaches that are frequently confused, namely Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), EMI, and English for Specific Purposes. With the objective of finding out the specific conditions necessary for implementing EMI subjects in the Degree in Tourism at the ULPGC, a revision of EMI subjects that have been already implemented at this institution would be made. Then a proposal indicating the conditions that are regarded as vital for implementing EMI subjects in this degree would be presented.


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Álvarez Gil, F. J. (2021). Possible implementation of subjects taught using English as a Medium of Instruction methodology in tourism studies. Language Value, 14(2), 68–86. https://doi.org/10.6035/languagev.6129


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