The idea of the infinite: a defunding of the total and a foundation of the ethical

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Gabriel Leiva Rubio


This essay practices a hermeneutics analysis of Totality and Infinity from five epigraphs, all dedicated to exploring the multiple meanings of the Levinasian proposal about the transcendental foundation of the ethical. The first section seeks to analyze the relationship between what Lévinas designates as the visage of being and the concept of totality; in the following epigraph, the difference existing, within the temporal understanding of the total, between the historical and the eschatological is made explicit; the third section analyzes the motives that lead Lévinas to substitute the metaphysical for the ethical, revealing this second knowledge as the first philosophy; and finally, the fourth and fifth sections are dedicated to understanding two concepts that, intertwined, condense the conceptual matrix from which Lévinas emphasizes the originality of his proposal: the face of the other and the idea of infinity.


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Leiva Rubio, G. (2024). The idea of the infinite: a defunding of the total and a foundation of the ethical . RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, 29(1).
Author Biography

Gabriel Leiva Rubio, Universitat de Barcelona

Tiene un Diplomado en Teología por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca; es Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de la Habana y Máster en Pensamiento Contemporáneo y Tradición Clásica por la Universitat de Barcelona. Fue profesor de Filosofía y Estética en la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba (ISA). Actualmente es investigador predoctoral en formación del Doctorado en Filosofía Contemporánea y Estudios Clásicos del Departamento de Filosofía de la Universitat de Barcelona. Sus intereses investigativos giran en torno a la Antropología Filosófica, el Idealismo alemán, el pensamiento contemporáneo y la ética.  


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