Feminist reflection facing the neoliberal subjective norm. The emancipatory expectation

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Elena Nájera


This work explores the contribution of feminist reflection on the critique of the subjective process imposed by neoliberalism. Specifically, following the triple movement between commodification, social protection and emancipation proposed by Nancy Fraser, her stance is contrasted with that of Judith Butler. Even though both authoresses agree on the need to curb the commodification of life and its growing atomisation, Butler approaches resistance from the perspective of an active —and performative— acceptance of the vulnerability incompatible with the protectionist vision of dependence and care held by Fraser. To bring the debate to a close, it is suggested that feminist reflection may be reconsidered as an epistemology of resistance committed to the emancipatory concerns that continue to imbue the normative expectations of the present, despite the currency of the neoliberal order and its nihilistic context.


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Nájera, E. (2022). Feminist reflection facing the neoliberal subjective norm. The emancipatory expectation. RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.6035/recerca.6770
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