Un rey, un mar y dos ciudades. Las entradas de Alfonso el Magnánimo en Valencia (1424) y Nápoles (1443). Transferencias e influencias de ida y vuelta.

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Francesc Orts Ruiz


On February 26th 1443 Alfonso V of Aragon made his triumphal entrance to Naples, a fact that was carved in the relief that crowns the entrance to Castelnuovo. This frieze consciously forgets some of the most important characteristics of the Neapolitan event, which is closely related to the image that the monarch himself wished to spread. In this paper we will analyse the aforementioned entry comparing it with its Iberian precedents, especially those that took place in Valencia. With this aim we will focus on the representations and modifications in the urban visual and soundscapes, which will allow us to discover influences and mutual exchanges, thus trying to overcome the dichotomy between the Middle Ages and modernity, and providing a more inclusive vision to a time of change.


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Orts Ruiz, F. (2021). Un rey, un mar y dos ciudades. Las entradas de Alfonso el Magnánimo en Valencia (1424) y Nápoles (1443). Transferencias e influencias de ida y vuelta . POTESTAS. Estudios Del Mundo Clásico E Historia Del Arte, 19(19). https://doi.org/10.6035/Potestas.2021.19.1