Macht der Rhetorik - Rhetorik der Macht. Zum athenischen Epitaphios

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Eike Faber


The epitaphios logos played an integral part in the construction of an idealised self-image of democratic Athens (5th / 4th century BC). This paper shows that two famous examples of this rhetorical genre, the orations of Pericles (in the History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides) and Socrates (in the Platonic dialogue Menexenos), generally regarded as affirmative, are very critical of the institution and the democratic polis as such.


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Cómo citar
Faber, E. (2011). Macht der Rhetorik - Rhetorik der Macht. Zum athenischen Epitaphios. POTESTAS. Estudios Del Mundo Clásico E Historia Del Arte, 2(2), 117–132. Recuperado a partir de