La territorialidad costero-fluvial del río Paraná en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina): Un análisis de sus actores, usos y apropiaciones en el contexto de la bajante extraordinaria (2019-2023).
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This paper addresses the issue of the coastal-fluvial territoriality in the middle delta of the Paraná River. Based on the affectations and problems derived from the situation of the extraordinary river downspouts (2019/2023), the vertical sense of production of the territories is reconstructed. Likewise, the notions of hegemonic, residual, emergent and alternative territories are used to analyze the interacting plot that is generated around the fluvial territorialities in the context of the extraordinary river downspouts. In order to develop this analytical approach, we have compiled a corpus of official documents and publications in various digital media to observe the path and the processing of the different affectations and problems among the actors involved. We also conducted some interviews with qualified informants to complete and triangulate data with special relation to the problems of island territories and artisanal fishers. The study concludes that the forms adopted by coastal-fluvial territoriality are the effect of a complex interplay of forces deployed by the actors involved in the different conflicts and the ways of handling and resolving them, caused by the friction that the different conceptions of the river territory normally generate and which is exacerbated during the extraordinary river downspouts.
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