Artistic practices in palliative care. La Bona Mort (The Good Death)

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Roser Sanjuán
Albert Potrony


In this article, we contextualise the project La Bona Mort (The Good Death), an art project that explores how to collectivise the end of life process, palliative care, how to accompany someone who is dying and the grieving process.

We seek to establish a theoretical framework around this collaborative artistic project on end of life, death and grief, led by the artist Albert Potrony, curated by Roser Sanjuán for the Centre d’Art la Panera, with the support of the Art for Change 2019 project of the Obra Social de la Caixa.


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How to Cite
Sanjuán, Roser, and Albert Potrony. 2021. “Artistic Practices in Palliative Care. La Bona Mort (The Good Death)”. Kult-ur 8 (16).


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