Vom "Kalten Terroristen" zum Friedenskaiser? Über die Wende im politischen Wirken von Octavian zu Augustus

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Michael Stahl


The political carreer of Rome’s first princeps poses the question how the merciless combatant Octavian could become, after his victory in the civil war, Augustus, the bringer of peace. From the beginning, and also during the fi ght for power, Octavian had an overarching goal in mind, which can be explained by his descent, his close relationship to Caesar and his roots in the Roman tradition, all of which were formative infl uences on his personality. Th erefore, res publica restituta has to be conceptualised as an act of historical reception which Vom ‚kalten Terroristen’ zum
Friedenskaiser? Über die Wende im politischen Wirken von Octavian zu Augustus connected the new order with the republic and in which the person of the monarch and his achievement became one and the same thing. It is the historical tragedy of his political work that he could not avoid becoming guilty in acting out his vision.


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Cómo citar
Stahl, M. (2013). Vom "Kalten Terroristen" zum Friedenskaiser? Über die Wende im politischen Wirken von Octavian zu Augustus. POTESTAS. Estudios Del Mundo Clásico E Historia Del Arte, 4(4), 87–105. Recuperado a partir de https://www.e-revistes.uji.es/index.php/potestas/article/view/403