La asignación universal: acotaciones acerca de la tesis de PH. Van Parijs

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Javier Méndez-Vigo Hernández


This article aims to analyse the problem of a Basic Income within the fiamework of social justice. The analysis starts out from Van Parijs' project for Welfare State reform. Firstly, the various positions, which argue for such an income are considered, specifically that of J. M. Ferry, in order to find out the differences between them. Secondly, Universal Income is related to J. Rawls' theory on justice, in particular to his principle of difference; the contradiction with the problem of exploitation which rules the capitalist system is then analysed. Finally, a temptative conclusion is set out: there is a need to avoid the isolation of the Income problem fiom the ways out of the crisis through a massive reduction in employment and the potential development of a Third Sector.


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Cómo citar
Méndez-Vigo Hernández, J. (2012). La asignación universal: acotaciones acerca de la tesis de PH. Van Parijs. RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, (1), 123–138. Recuperado a partir de