Reseña del Libro de S. Tormey "The End of Representative Politics"

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Lasse Thomassen


Simon Tormey’s book, The End of Representative Politics, draws on his work on representation from the last decade as well as on a case study of the tumultuous, but exciting, Spanish politics of recent years. Tormey is interested in a new form of politics that puts into question two images: our inherited image of representation as a unilateral relationship between governing and governed, and our inherited image of democratic politics as representative politics. Politics and democracy are much more than institutional, representative politics, and therefore contemporary activists and movements such as 15M are not anti-political, but challenge a particular view of democratic politics as representative politics.


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Cómo citar
Thomassen, L. (2017). Reseña del Libro de S. Tormey "The End of Representative Politics". RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, (21), 190–194. Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Lasse Thomassen, Queen Mary University of London


Disch, L. et al. (forthcoming 2017): «Review Symposium: The End of Representative Politics?», European Political Science, 16: 3.

Feenstra, R. A. et al. (2016): La Reconfiguración de la Democracia: el laboratorio político español, Granada, Comares.

Feenstra, R. A. et al. (2017): Refiguring Democracy: The Spanish Political Laboratory, London, Routledge.