The commons from a critical social systems perspective

Contenido principal del artículo

Wolfgang Hofkirchner


This paper is an attempt to theorise the commons from a perspective that sets out for reconciling systemism with a critical stance. According to that the concept of the commons is not only descriptive but also normative. The commons are defined as the systemic effect of synergy in social systems. However, the more suppression and exploitation are ruling, the higher is the extent of exclusion of actors from self-organised generation and usage of the synergetic effect, that is, the higher the extent of enclosure of the commons. Actually, the trend towards the enclosure of the commons is all-embracing and besets every subsystem of society. The critical stance of that theoretical position manifests itself in the endorsement of the reclaiming of the commons as a step towards the implementation of a good society.

Este artículo es un intento de teorizar los comunes desde una perspectiva que pretende reconciliar el systemism con una postura crítica. De acuerdo con esto, el concepto de los comunes no es solo descriptivo sino también normativo. Los comunes son definidos como el efecto sistémico de la sinergia en los sistemas sociales. Sin embargo, mientras mayor represión y explotación reinen, más amplio es el alcance de la exclusión de los actores por los efectos sinérgicos en cuanto a su uso y producción auto-organizada, es decir, mayor será la extensión del cercamiento de los comunes. De hecho, la tendencia hacia el cercamiento de los comunes es global y asedia a todos los subsistemas de la sociedad. La postura crítica de esa posición teorética se manifiesta por sí misma en el respaldo de las reivindicaciones de los comunes como un paso hacia la implementación de una buena sociedad.


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Cómo citar
Hofkirchner, W. (2014). The commons from a critical social systems perspective. RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, (14), 73–92. Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Vienna University of Technology

Wolfgang Hofkirchner studied Political Science and Psychology at the University of Salzburg where he awarded his Dr.phil. He has been working since in the field of Science–Technology–Society and received his venia legendi at the Vienna University of Technology.

He did research and teaching at the Austrian Academy of Sciences; the Vienna University of Technology; the Federal University of Bahía, Salvador, Brazil; the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria; the University of León, Spain; and the Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona.

His current focus is on an integrative science of information, information society and information technology. The perspective taken is that of complex thinking underpinned by considerations rooted in philosophy while extending to ICTs and society.

He is Academician of the International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences and Member of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. 

He is director of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science in Vienna, member of the Board of Directors of the Science of Information Institute in Washington, and co-coordinator of the ICTs-and-Society network.


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